Cancer Treatment Services

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lower right stomach pain?

I have a pain on the lower right side of my stomach. i don't really think it's appendicitis because it doesn't hurt when i push on it or let go, and it's really low, almost where your thigh meets your abdomen.

what could it be? last night and slightly this morning, i had pain going straight up and down on my right side of the abdomen, almost in the position of where your large intestine would be.

this pain hasn't been going on for a long time, maybe an hour or so. it hasn't gotten worse. thanks!

Could be appendix or if you have eaten anything that causes gas like lots of dairy it could just be plain ol gas pain.

you should see a doctor you migth have pulled something they will probably take some x-rays of that area and tell you whats wrong.

That area is your sternum...amd pain there is actually normal. It comes and goes. You are fine!!!

I think you should see a doctor.

call your doctor for advice -Yahoo is not the proper forum.

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