Cancer Treatment Services

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


my left arm has always been stronger than my right 14 right now and am on a workout plan BUT FOR SOME REASON MY LEFT SIDE OF MY BODY(shoulder,bicep,chest)IS BIGGER AND STRONGER THAN MY RIGHT SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!ive only been working out for 3 weeks but still,isnt that strange? is this some kind of disorder or am i over reacting JUST TELL ME WHATS WRONG????????????

Are u using free weights (dumbells)? If so, you might be using one half more as a stabilizer when you're lifting which would be uninvertently you are actually working one side of your body more then the other. Try paying attention to your form, making sure you do full extensions cause you can build half muscles. My right is stronger then my left but that's because I'm right handed so I use my right more often then my left in every day activities which can strengthen one side more then the other. If that's the case for you try using your other arm/leg whatever more often for doing things (other then writing) if you can.

usually your dominant side is stronger.

is it very obvious that its bigger? if not i wouldnt worry about it, like the first answer said one half of your body is slightly bigger than then other.

for instance i have rings i can only wear on my left hand because they just dont fit on my dominant right hand.

one half of your body will always be more stronger than the other half.

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