Cancer Treatment Services

Monday, March 30, 2009

Why does my jaw pop and it hurts?

After a couple of months of having braces, my right jaw has been popping. I only have braces in my upper row. Do you think its because of jaw misalignment and that I should also get it on my bottom row also to correct it?

when your jaw pops it slides on and off your disc in your jaw. it can lead to tmj. I have tmj and have chronic pain from it. I would watch avoid chewing gum or anything similiar to it. TMJ is very painful, ask your dentist about it, he/she can give you a visual of what actually happens when the popping dentist did.

braces shouldn't affect your actual joint unless you're chewing differently. Really, there isn't much you can do. My jaw pops like crazy, it started when I hit puberty. It doesn't hurt anything, but it's a bit annoying. Fun party trick, though, popping my jaw around and watching people wince.

I wonder if your jaw in dislocated?

you might have TMJ its a syndrome. Talk to your orthodontist for more information. I hope it goes away.

You could have TMJ. I would see the orthodonist or dentist ASAP.

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